Short-term opportunities

The volunteer opportunities listed below are single day events, spanning from 2-4 hours. Please select any opportunities you are interested in and we will be in contact as the volunteer event gets closer!

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* 1. Mentorship program - Mentor an intern! We have interns year-round who we match with young professionals. Sign up to mentor an intern, supporting them through their internship and their college search. The mentoring program requires attendance at three events and weekly contact with your mentee. Make an impact on a young person’s life while they embark on some of their first professional work experiences!

Mentor Opening Event: December 5, 6, or 7, 2016 (depending on intern’s workshop schedule), 6:30-8:30 PM
Midpoint Event: January 23, 24, or 25, 2017 (depending on intern’s workshop schedule), 6:30-8:30 PM
Mentor Closing Event: March 7, 2017, 6:30-8:30 PM

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* 2. Career Essentials Mock Interviews - Help Career Essentials students develop their professional skills by conducting mock interviews and providing feedback on students' interviews and resumes.

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* 3. Career Essentials Create-A-Company Judges Panel - Judge student-led company presentations as a volunteer “investor” and select the winning company