Level 3 Classroom Teacher Association Survey Question Title * 1. How long have you been a member of the Level 3 Classroom Teacher Association? Less than 2 years 2-5 years 5-10 years More than 10 years I attained Level 3 status in this year so am now an honorary member and I expect to join as a full member in March next year when the annual subscription of $50 is due. I attained Level 3 status this year so am now an honorary member but I don't plan to join as a full member in March next year. Question Title * 2. If you are a member of other professional organisations for teachers, e.g. STAWA, MAWA, EYES, or of the SSTUWA, please list the organisations of which you are a member. Question Title * 3. Please indicate the types of event run by the L3CTA which would be of most interest to you (select as many as you like). Assessment/Moderation - meeting to moderate student work and compare assessment strategies Events that celebrate and promote the L3CT role and allow L3CTs to meet and chat with Department leaders Meetings that provide insights into government/department policy Networking informally e.g. meeting for a walk, or a coffee Professional Learning - Arts focus Professional Learning - Leadership focus Professional Learning - Literacy focus Professional Learning - Maths focus Professional Learning - Science focus Professional Learning - Self improvement focus Professional Learning - Student well being focus Professional Learning - Sustainability focus Supporting aspirant L3CTs - taking part in a workshop to which you bring a mentee Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. How often would your workload and other committments allow you to attend L3CTA events of interest? Very rarely - prefer to visit website and receive newsletters but don't have time to attend in person Once per year e.g. AGM only Once per term on average Twice per term on average More often if events had relevance to me Question Title * 5. What would be the most suitable days and times for events for you to attend? Tick all that apply. (Please note that based on previous surveys, Saturday mornings have been chosen for workshops and committee meetings). Monday after school. Tuesday after school. Wednesday after school. Thursday after school. Friday after school. Saturday morning. Sunday morning. Question Title * 6. Do you live in the Perth metro area? Yes No If no, please indicate your region. Question Title * 7. What were your main roles as a Level 3 Classroom Teacher to date? (Select as many as you like) Mentorship of L3 aspirants using the L3 Competency Framework Support for teachers preparing a portfolio using the AITSL Framework Curriculum Leadership Leadership/Community liaison portfolio e.g. Sustainability at own school Role across a network of schools e.g. presenting at network meetings, supporting staff at other schools Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. The L3CTA aims to support aspirants to the role, to facilitate the work of current L3CTs in schools through mutual support, professional learning and networking and to promote the role of teacher leadership within the department, giving L3CTs a collective voice and some input into policies and practices. Along with this, the Association seeks to promote the professionalism of teachers and the value of public education to the community. What do you think is the most important part of our role and what do you hope to achieve, or continue to prioritise, as a L3CT? Question Title * 9. Do you have an interest in contributing to the Association in a particular way? No thanks, my other commitments limit my time at present and I'm happy just to know that I am represented and can take a more active part at any time. I would be very willing to assist aspirants who seek a mentor. I'm keen to attend workshops and take part in discussions. I would be interested in running a workshop or sharing my expertise as part of a workshop. I would be willing to host a workshop at my school. I would be interested in joining the committee. I would be willing to help with events e.g. the annual celebration. I would be interested in editing or contributing to a newsletter or the website. I would be interested in running a blog or Connect community for L3CTA members. Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. How has this year been for you? Please briefly describe your role and whether you feel that you have been well-utilised at your school and have felt satisfaction in your role. This feedback informs the committee's discussions with the department on your behalf. Please add any comment or feedback about the Association that you would like to share and include your name if you would like to be contacted about any of your responses or if you are willing to be a mentor for aspirants. Thank you. Done