Question Title

* 1. The school does a good job communicating with me.

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* 2. The teacher does a good job communicating with me.

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* 3. I have a good working relationship with my child's teacher.

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* 4. I feel my child and other children are treated fairly at Ruth McGregor.

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* 5. I feel Sand Creek provides a safe environment for my child.

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* 6. I understand the expectations for student behavior according to the student handbook.

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* 7. Do you feel comfortable helping your child with their homework?

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* 8. If a video link was provided by your teacher to help with homework/learning, I would use it.

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* 9. I prefer to get classroom/school information by the following: (Check all that apply)

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* 10. What time works best for you and your family to attend school events/programs/workshops?

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* 11. Do you feel homework is a essential part of learning?

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* 12. What after school programs have you or your child attended in the past or are planning on attending this year?

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* 13. What prevents you from attending school programs offered?

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* 14. What after school program offerings would you like to see offered by our school?

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* 15. What are your suggestions to make Ruth McGregor a better school?

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* 16. What grade/s are your children in:  (Check all that apply)