1. Please respond to all questions.

Question Title

4. My Club:

Question Title

5. Please read ALL of the following statements carefully, thinking about how true each statement was for you and select from numbers 1-7 (1 - Not at all true, 7 - very true)

  1 (not at all true) 2 3 4 5 6 7 (very true)
I have been given enough information to understand the reasons for change
I am able to effectively coach the game
This format will allow for greater skills development in players
I have observed more balls in line with the wicket
I have observed more boundaries being hit
I have observed more balls being hit
I used the “Aust Way” coaching app and found it helpful

Question Title

6. I am comfortable with the changes to Junior Formats (1 - Not at all true, 7 - very true)

Question Title

7. I am happy with the level of support I have received to implement the change (1 - Not at all true, 7 - very true)

Question Title

8. The one thing I would change about the revised junior formats is:

Question Title

9. The best thing about the revised junior formats is:

Thank you for completing this survey.