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Question Title

* 1. What grade are you in?

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* 2. I am a

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* 3. My teacher makes it clear what I am suppose to learn.

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* 4. My teacher expects me to do my best.

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* 5. My teacher believes that I CAN learn.

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* 6. I know that I can do good work.

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* 7. My teacher uses different ways to help me learn.

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* 8. My teacher listens to my ideas and opinions.

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* 9. The school work I am asked to do is hard.

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* 10. My teacher helps me when I do not understand something.

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* 11. I know how to get help from an adult at school if I need it.

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* 12. My teacher encourages me to do my best.

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* 13. My teacher cares about me.

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* 14. Teachers in my school show respect for students.

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* 15. I respect the adult staff members in the school.

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* 16. I respect other students in the school.

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* 17. I feel safe when I am in school.

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* 18. I feel safe when I am outside during recess.

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* 19. I feel safe on the school bus.

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* 20. It is easy for me to learn at school.

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* 21. I have fun learning at school.

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* 22. The school has fair rules.

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* 23. I am treated fairly when I get in trouble.

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* 24. My principal shows that he cares about all students.

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* 25. I like the food the school serves.

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* 26. My teacher talks to my parents if I am having problems learning or behaving in class.

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* 27. My parents come to student/parent/teacher conferences.

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* 28. If I am doing a good job in school, my teacher tells my family.

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* 29. I see parents and other adults helping at my school.

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* 30. I get help on my school work at home.

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* 31. I like my teacher.

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* 32. I like this school.