Pre and post conference workshop submission form

As part of our 2022 conference the committee is inviting proposals for Pre and post conference workshops.

Workshops can be either half day or a full day and must clearly align with the conference theme, whakataukī, and at least one of the four conference streams and associated wero.

These are paid events and the workshop facilitators will be paid a fee for services (fee structure is under development).

The conference committee is hoping to offer a mix of pre and post workshop offerings. We therefore invite and encourage a diverse range of topics ETC.

Unsuccessful workshops may still be considered as a part of the ANZEA professional development offerings. 

You may offer more than one workshop proposal, in which case please complete a new form for each proposal.

All proposals must be submitted by 15 June 2022.

Incomplete forms will not be considered for review.
Contribution leaders will be informed about their proposal by late July 2022
Familiarise yourself thoroughly with the conference programme structure first, think about how your submission will help the conference organisers deliver on the intent and topic areas for the pre and post conference workshops.
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25% of survey complete.