You may submit this form multiple times for as many people as you wish to recognize. Thank you!

Question Title

* Your Name:

Question Title

* Institution

Question Title

* Position

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* Work Phone Number

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* Email


Question Title

* Nominee Name

Question Title

* Nominee's Institution

Question Title

* Nominee's Position

Question Title

* Years of Service

Question Title


Question Title

* I am nominating the above person for:

Charlie Hendricks Award – The Charlie Hendricks Award was established in 1995 in honor of Charlie Hendricks who gave so much to CACRAO. The award recognizes individuals who go beyond the call of duty for CACRAO. They are always willing to volunteer, accept the jobs no one else wants, and rarely get credit for the work they do. They are not a current member of the Executive Board; has been active in CACRAO for at least 5 years.

Honorary Membership – is given to someone who has been a member of CACRAO for at least 10 years, has made substantial contributions to the association and its members through service as an officer, committee member, or participant in the profession. At the time of the election the nominee has retired or left the profession or officially announced his/her intent to do so.

Chris Murphy Award of Excellence – is given to an individual who has made very significant contributions to CACRAO, its member institutions, and higher education in the Carolinas.

Myron Burney Rising Professional Award - is given to an individual who has been a member of CACRAO from 1 to 5 years and has progressively served the association through committee membership, participation at the annual conference, and/or served as an officer.

Question Title

* Please provide a concise paragraph that explains why this individual should be considered for an award.