FY2019 IL 501 CoC NOFA Preapplication

Please complete one survey for each project application you plan to submit.
1.First Name
2.Last name
5.Street Address
8.Counties served
9.Email address
10.Phone Number
11.What is the name of your project?
12.Please provide an overview of your project
13.What is the program model for this project?
14.Please identify the populations to be served through this project.
15.Please indicate the number of units you anticipate funding through this project
16.How does your organization address the safety needs of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking survivors?  How do you maximize their safety and confidentiality?
17.How do you coordinate with public housing authorities?
18.If you are a permanent housing project, how do you assess whether participants are ready to transition to affordable housing without the supports provided in PSH?
19.How does your your organization address the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) participants?
20.Does your organization house families as an intact unit or separate them by age/gender or other policies?
21.Do you partner with early childhood providers?  Do you have any formal agreements?
Formal Agreement
Not applicable
Head Start
Private Day Care Providers
School District Preschool
22.Does your organization use a housing first philosophy?
23.Explain how your organization affirms fair housing and ensures that discrimination does not occur in your service provision.