FY18 Dublin Middle School Parent and Family Engagement Survey

Dear Parent/Guardian;

Dublin Middle School is a Title I school, and as the parent/guardian and family member of a child attending a Title I school you are an important part of the Title I team.  Your input is vital in the planning and implementation of the parent and family engagement program and activities in our school.  The focus of all Title I programs is to help eligible students meet the same high academic achievement standards expected of all children, regardless of their socioeconomic status and background.  The following survey is confidential and will be used to assist us with future planning for parent and family engagement activities and events at Dublin Middle School.  We appreciate your feedback and thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.


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* 1. My child is in _____ grade at Dublin Middle School.

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* 2. How welcome does the staff at your child's school make you feel?

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* 3. How often do you participate in school events because your child encourages you to be involved?

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* 4. In the past year, how often have you visited your child's school?

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* 5. In the past year, how often did you participate in a parent and family engagement activity, event, or program at your child's school?

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* 6. In the past year, how often have you talked with the school about how they can help your child learn?

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* 7. Please check any of the following that would help you participate more often in school functions, activities, and planning events?

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* 8. When is the best time for you to attend a school even for parents?

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* 9. Overall, how much do you feel your child's school values parent input?

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* 10. Do you know with whom to communicate at your child's school when you have a question or concern?

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* 11. How often does your child's school provide you with information about ways to engage in the education of your child?

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* 12. How often have you had opportunities to visit with your child's teachers to discuss your child's progress throughout the school year?

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* 13. In the past year, how often did you communicate with teachers at your child's school?

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* 14. In your opinion, how effective are the following when it comes to the school communicating with you or your family?

  Not Effective Effective Very Effective
Parent meetings (open house, curriculum night, etc.)
Newsletters - Sent home with student
Parent teacher conferences
Social media - Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Newsletters - Links on website
Automated calls from the school
School website
Flyers sent home with your child

Question Title

* 15. What are the best ways for you to provide input regarding your child's school? (check all that apply)

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* 16. Do you have difficulties with any of the following?

  Yes No
Understanding school policies
Accessing the school webpage
Accessing the parent portal
Accessing the building administration
Accessing my child's teacher

Question Title

* 17. How many times per month do you access the school website?

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* 18. In the past year, how often have you talked with the school about ways that you can help your child's learning at home?

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* 19. I am informed about how my child is doing academically in school.

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* 20. How many times per month do you access your child's grades online?

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* 21. How many times per  month do you initiate the use of interactive study tools with your child? (Flash cards, online resources, etc.)

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* 22. How confident are you in your ability to support your child's learning at home?

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* 23. Workshops and events may be offered at the school based on the needs and interest of our parents.  Please review the following list of potential workshop topics and rank them in the order of what interests you the most (1=most interested, 8=least interested)

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* 24. What types of training or programs to improve student academic achievement would you be likely to participate in if they were offered by the school? Please check all that apply.

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* 25. How confident are you in your ability to help your child make choices about programs and courses he/she needs to take?

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* 26. In the past year, how often have you given advice to the school?

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* 27. Did you participate in any of the following decision making opportunities requiring parental input and partnership?  Check all that apply.

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* 28. Our school is required to set aside a percentage of the Title 1 money we receive for parent and family engagement activities to actively engage parents in the academic achievement of their children.  In the past, money has been spent to provide the school with a parent involvement coordinator, parent teacher communication books, and to fund the parent resource center.  What are your suggestions for how Title 1 parent and family engagement money should be spent?

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* 29. How well do you feel that the school's parent and family engagement and plan provides opportunities for effective involvement of parents to support student academic achievement?

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* 30. What support do you need from the school to ensure your child moves from one grade to the next?

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* 31. How can our school improve on actively involving parents and community members in the activities of our school to increase student academic achievement?

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* 32. Please list any possible community organizations and/or business that you feel would be ideal school partners.

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* 33. Does the school's parent and family engagement activities provide opportunities for effective involvement of parents to support academic achievement?

  Yes No
At home
At school

Question Title

* 34. What training do you think teachers and other school staff should be trained in to engage parents in the academic success of their child?

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* 35. (OPTIONAL) Please provide your contact information if you would like for the school to follow up with you about any feedback provided or ways to get you more involved in the school as indicated on the surveys.

Thank you very much for your time. Your help is deeply appreciated