Missions Partnership Questionnaire

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. We would like to send you and your family birthday cards.  Please add MM/DD for your family.

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* 3. Share with us how God worked to bring you to Christ and how He is working in your life currently.

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* 4. Describe your philosophy of missions.

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* 5. What are your core theological commitments? (Support with scripture and please do not copy and paste)

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* 6. Who has most significantly impacted your life in ministry?

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* 7. How have you prepared for this ministry that is before you?

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* 8. Tell us about your family and their involvement in your ministry.

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* 9. Tell us about your field, organizations you partner with, your ministry priorities, and special project(s) you may want supported.

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* 10. How would this local church hold you accountable and support you spiritually in your ministry?