Parent Survey

Parent Survey

The therapists and staff at GTS value your participation in your child's therapy services.

GTS has piloted a new program this year called the Parent Engagement Committee. This is a group of therapists and staff across all GTS site who are working together to ensure we are best supporting you!

We are actively working to strengthen the partnership between therapists and parents/families/caretakers and guardians and we would like to have your input regarding your experience with GTS in addition to what ways we can better communicate and support you. 

We invite you to share your thoughts with us!

Thank you,

Gallant Therapy Service Therapy Team
1.What is the most accessible social platform for you to view information in regards to GTS services? (i.e. email, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, etc.)
2.How would you like to receive or view resources and carryover material from your child's therapist?
3.How can we better communicate with you and your family regarding your child's services?
4.On a scale of 1 (poor) - 5 (great), how would you rate your overall experience with GTS and why? 
5.What is one resource/website you utilize that you think other parents may also like to utilize or know about?
6.What types of events or resources would you be interested in that would support you as a parent?
Current Progress,
0 of 6 answered