Question Title

* 1. Which of these best describes you?

Question Title

* 2. How is your firm regulated ?

Question Title

* 3. In the current market conditions - which of these is closest to your view?

Question Title

* 4. In terms of the demand for your service - current market conditions and in particular the Coronavirus - what impact will this have for you?

Question Title

* 5. In terms of your day to day dealings with clients

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Not all of our staff are kitted out for remote working - we will need to invest in more lap tops etc
Our clients have adapted to remote contact
We can work from home - and deal with clients by phone, email. skype etc
New clients are a challenge - normally I'd expect a face to face meet to start a relationship

Question Title

* 6. In the last twelve months how would you describe the move to remote working?

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Better - we can deal with more clients, without travel costs etc
Harder - the technology barriers take away the face to face connection
Better - we have been able to expand the number of clients we deal with by expanding our geographic reach
Better - we have been able to serve a wider demographic because our costs are lower
Harder - particularly  for new clients 
Harder - particularly with older clients
Better - particularly for wider family groups in different locations

Question Title

* 7. Once restrictions are lifted and we have the option of meeting face to face - do you think you will?

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* 8. Which FS providers would you say have been most helpful for your business in the last twelve months?

Question Title

* 9. In the last 12 months which types of business has shown

  Individual or family protection Business protection Mortgage related Investments generally Inheritance planning Retirement planning Broader financial planning  Long term care Multi generational planning
Significant increase 
Some increase
No change
Some decrease
Significant decrease

Question Title

* 10. To support you in developing income protection or key person cover ( unable to work due to illness or accident ) which of the following are important?

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
CPD Content 
One to one support
Underwriting - current requirements
Guides and client material 

Question Title

* 11. Which of these has changed over the last 12 months?

  Sustainable investments  Use of passive funds Use of active funds Use of alternatives - EIS, VCT etc Use of investment trusts
Significant increase
Some increase
No change
Some decrease
Significant decrease

Question Title

* 12. How would you describe your overall business confidence compared to this time last year?

Question Title

* 13. So we can send you a summary report and enter you in our prize draw to win £200 in Amazon Vouchers-please state your email address - thanks