Digital Equity GAP Analysis Survey

Thank you for your time to complete this survey for the Nebraska Digital Equity Planning Grant.
If you are unsure or not familiar feel free to leave a portion blank.
West Central Nebraska Development District inc. is partnering with the State of Nebraska to create a plan to distribute federal funding that will improve digital access and connection quality across the state. We want your opinion to help represent the needs of the west central region in this planning process. The information collected from this survey will be used by WCNDD to form a regional plan for improving digital access, which the State of Nebraska will use to receive $7.2 million that can help our communities improve broadband and cellular connectivity and increase device access in the region.

Question Title

* 1. Name

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* 2. Community/County you reside in

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* 3. Occupation

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* 4. Are you interested in participating in a stakeholder group?

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* 5. If you answered yes above, please provide your email (*No personal information will be shared)

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* 6. Do you frequently work with or belong to any of the following demographics - check all that apply and then fill out the following questions that correspond.

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* 14. Any comments, examples, or notes