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Dear LCSD families: As we prepare for the upcoming school year, we would like to check in with you to learn more about your experiences with distance learning this spring and your hopes for school for this coming fall. 

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* 1. Which grade levels apply to your student(s)? (Please check all that apply.)

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* 2. How likely are you to enroll your child/children in the Lake County School District for the 2020-2021 school year? *If you anticipate moving over the summer, please contact the front office staff to withdraw your child/children.

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* 3. In which situation(s) would you feel comfortable enrolling your child in LCSD for the 20-21 school year? Mark all that apply:

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* 4. Are any of the following barriers likely to impact your student’s learning if schools are required to implement distance learning in the fall? If you have multiple students in the district, please respond for your youngest student.

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* 5. We’d like to understand more about social emotional and resource access during the closure to better prepare for supports in the fall. How confident are you at:

  Confident Somewhat confident Not very confident
Identifying signs of emotional and mental health needs in your child?
Connecting to community resources? 
Contacting the counselor or social worker at your child/children’s school if you need support? 

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* 6. How many hours per day of distance learning would be appropriate for your child? If you have multiple students in the district, please respond for your youngest student.

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* 7. Please list two things that are going well with your student’s distance learning:

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* 8. Please list two things you would like to improve with your student’s distance learning:

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* 9. What else would you like us to know as we plan for the fall?

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