Please share your stories by giving your feedback on the two questions below. Your responses will inform an upcoming virtual forum about how we all can be better at change.
Stories may be shared but will not be attributed.
Have questions or need help? Please contact Wheelhouse Partner, Joiwind Ronen at

Question Title

* 1. WHAT DID YOU FACE?  For example:  What were the biggest challenges your team faced? How have you and your team worked to overcome these challenges? What innovative practices have you put in place to tackle these challenges?

For example, we saw employees at IRS demonstrate unprecedented adaptability and responsiveness in delivering over 100 million CARES payments in just a few weeks, where past stimulus efforts took months. At GSA, we saw employees pivot and take dozens of live events online, using interactive technologies, and exceeding previous satisfaction scores.

Question Title

* 2. WHAT DID YOU LEARN? For example: How will you use what you have learned as you focus on your priorities? Are you taking a new approach to leadership? Changing the structure of your teams? What lessons would you like to share?

For example, the Department of Labor saw the positive impact of remote work on increasing opportunities for people with disabilities. Looking to the future they are investing in resources and programs to promote the ability of all workers to work from home (or an office) in high growth industries. They are relying on this as a way to inspire future workplaces to be more efficient AND inclusive.

Question Title

* 3. We are excited to invite you back to a virtual forum, so please include your email for the invitation. We will not share your personal information.