The Department of Health is collecting this valuable data about your satisfaction with Childhood Vaccine Program operations and service delivery. This survey will take about 2 minutes to complete, and the information will be used by the Department of Health Childhood Vaccine Program (DOH CVP) to improve customer service and provider support. Information collected via this survey may be subject to release in accordance with RCW 42.56 (Public Records

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* 2. Are you satisfied with how frequently you can order vaccines?

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* 3. How would you rate the difficulty and/or ease of these program reporting areas?

  Extremely Easy  Easy Normal  Hard  Extremely Hard  N/A
Temperature logs
IIS Monthly Inventory (Reconciliation)
Vaccine Loss Logs
Doses Administered Outside Age Range Survey
Vaccine Ordering
Provider Agreement Renewal

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* 4. Has your practice recieved a DOH CVP Program Site Visit in the past 12 months?

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* 5. If “Yes”, please tell us what you thought. (check all that apply.)

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* 6. How do you most frequently contact the CVP? (check all that apply)

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* 7. For the above question, did you add provider pin number in your communication?

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* 8. On average, how long did it take for a DOH CVP Program Representative to resolve your problem?

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* 9. Overall, how satisfied are you with the DOH CVP Services?

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* 10. Would you attend open office hours hosted by the DOH CVP staff to ask program specific questions?

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* 11. Check the box that best reflects your usage & experience with the DOH CVP training resources.

  Always  Sometimes  Never
Do you attend our monthly CVP Provider Training Series?
Do you attend the Clinical Immunization Webinars? 
Are the Clinical Immunization Webinars helpful to you? 
Is our website easy to use and navigate for you?
Have you utilized any resources on our website?
Have you utilized our Training Guides? EX: Online Returns Guide
Are the Training Guides easy to follow?

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* 12. How do you stay updated on vaccine recommendation updates? (check all that apply)

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* 13. What training topics are you interested in?

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* 14. Do you have any suggestions for improving our services?