A Derby Historical Society Event

The Derby Historical Society would like to host a Valley History Bus Tour this Fall. We are reaching out to the community to see if there is an interest in this event. This would be a ticketed event where participants would get on a bus and experience the Valley Heritage Driving Tour with a tour guide. There will be several opportunities to get off the bus with the group at specific sites. Lunch and snacks would be provided. The tour will run approximately 4 hours, beginning at 10am.
Please let us know if this is an event that we should go forward with.

Question Title

* 1. Would you be interested in participating in a Valley History Bus Tour?

Question Title

* 2. Which ticket price would you be willing to pay for a 4 hour tour that includes lunch and snacks?

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* 3. This tour would be scheduled for a weekend in October. Which weekend day would you prefer?

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* 4. Which of the following transportation types would you be comfortable riding in?