Could You Be the Next FTX Award Winner?

The Fleet Technology Expo is looking for nominations of individuals/fleets who have made significant contributions to environmental sustainability and fleet efficiencies in the light- to medium-duty and heavy-duty industries. The winners will be presented at the 2015 Fleet Technology Expo, August 24-26, in Long Beach, Calif. You can either self-nominate or nominate a colleague. All nominees must work as a fleet professional. Supplier nominations will not be accepted for this award, but suppliers/vendors are allowed to nominate their fleet customers.

You can also preview the survey questions here:

If you have any questions, please contact Joanne Tucker at or Stephane Babcock at

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* 1. Please enter

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* 2. Not the nominee? Please include your contact info (name, email and phone) in case we need to reach out to you.

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* 3. What type of fleet do you predominately run?