Sigma Nu Tau Entrepreneurship Honor Society Annual Video Pitch Entry Form

Eligibility Requirements: Video participants must be students in a degree program at any U.S. college or university with an active Sigma Nu Tau chapter or students who have graduated within the past 12 months from a school with a Sigma Nu Tau chapter and they must have won a prize in a previous business plan or other entrepreneurial competition. Up to 4 video pitch entries per school are allowed.

Must submit Entry by 12 midnight CST on Sunday, May 26, 2024.
1.Full Name
2.Email Address
3.Name of School
4.School Street Address or PO Box
5.City, State, ZIP
6.Name of Faculty Advisor
7.Faculty Advisor’s Email Address
8.Full names and e-mail addresses of all team members appearing in video pitch
9.Summarize your video pitch in 100 words or less.
10.Important: Provide the complete and correct link to your YouTube video pitch here