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* 1. In 2017, my lead generation plan involves: 

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* 2. In 2017, I will most likely purchase my leads from:

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* 3. In 2017, I plan to use (or I currently use) the following Lead Generation Service:

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* 4. In 2017, I expect the quality of the leads I buy to:

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* 5. If you are currently buying leads, how much per year are you spending?

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* 6. If you have stopped buying leads over the last 12 months, why?

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* 7. If you will continue buying leads in 2017, why?

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* 8. My biggest challenge in lead generation is:

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* 9. My favorite social media platform for generating leads is:

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* 10. When it comes to converting the lead to an appointment, my success rate is: