The MMF Program Partnership Application


The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) implements its Marshall Memorial Fellowship program in partnership with individuals and institutions in more than 50 communities across the United States and Europe. Each partnership reflects GMF's commitment to raise the awareness about potentials for transatlantic collaboration across sectors. The Marshall Memorial Fellowship is an intense learning and networking experience with more than 30 years of history and over 2,500 alumni in key leadership positions in Europe and the United States. GMF appreciates your interest in becoming a partner with us and asks that you complete the application form below. We will consider all applications until October 29, 2021. 
2.Institutional Affiliation(Required.)
3.Job Title(Required.)
5.Phone Number(Required.)
8.You are applying as a(n)(Required.)
9.If you are representing a group of alumni, please list their names, job titles, and institutional affiliations below:
10.The Marshall Memorial Fellowship partnership will put you in charge of delivering a five to six day program in your community. Please explain your motivation for assuming this responsibility.(Required.)
11.Is your community leveraging global opportunities and if so, how?(Required.)
12.Which issues dominate your community's agenda?(Required.)
13.What lessons could other communities learn from yours?(Required.)
14.If you had to feature only one leader from your community, which one would it be and why? Please note that your leader may come from business, government, or civil society.(Required.)
15.Marshall Memorial Fellowship programs consist predominantly of one to two hour meetings. What in your experience makes for a good meeting and why?(Required.)
16.What would an agenda for a single day visit to your community look like? Please provide a sample agenda below.(Required.)
17.Partners who engage local alumni in developing their Marshall Memorial Fellowship program achieve the best results. How would you leverage your local alumni for this purpose?(Required.)
18.How much would you spend per day per person for lodging?(Required.)
19.How much would you spend per day per person for meals?(Required.)
20.How much would you spend per day per person for transport?(Required.)
21.Are you able to match GMF funding from local sources?(Required.)
22.Are you able to fully fund a visit to your community?(Required.)
23.If you answered positively to either of the two questions above, please provide more details below.