Returning to Day Hab Survey

Returning to Day Hab Survey (Disability Law Center).

This survey is for individuals or family members of individuals who are having difficulty returning to day hab, community based day supports or both.  Please answer for yourself, or for your family member who was or is enrolled in day habilitation, or wishes to be.
1.What type of problem(s) do you have returning to your day program? (Choose one)(Required.)
2.Did you or your family member receive day habilitation services before the Covid pandemic started in 2020? (Choose Yes or No)(Required.)
3.Before the COVID pandemic, how many days a week did you attend a day hab program? (Choose one)
4.How many days do you currently attend day hab per week? (Choose one)
5.How many ADDITIONAL days would you attend day hab (beyond the days you attend now) if  you were permitted to do so?  (Choose one)(Required.)
6.Before the COVID pandemic, for about how many years did you attend a day hab program? (Choose one)(Required.)
7.What reasons have you been given for why you cannot attend day hab as much as you might like?  (Choose all that apply):(Required.)
8.How do you spend your days now? (Choose all that apply):(Required.)
9.As a result of not being able to attend day hab as much as I would like or as much as I attended in the past, I am currently experiencing the following: (Choose all that apply):
10.What is the name the day hab provider and the town in which the program was located (Optional).
11.If it would be helpful in our work, may we contact you to discuss your situation confidentially in more detail?   If so, please provide your name and contact information (telephone and/or email).  (Optional)