TIC+ is about to celebrate our 30th anniversary. This has given us the opportunity to reflect on who we are as an organisation and how people experience our services. 

We feel that our current identity (for example, our logo, how we look, and our messaging) no longer celebrates who we are and what we do. We are starting a project to develop a new identity to ensure that how we present ourselves truly reflects our services and connects with our service users. This will help us promote ourselves more effectively to help more people now and in the future.

To help with this, we are asking the people we work with a few questions to help us understand the current perception of TIC+ and what the organisation means for people. 

We would be so grateful if you could share your thoughts. All your answers will be anonymous. 

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* 1. Why is TIC+ important to you?

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* 2. How would you describe your experience with the TIC+ team?

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* 3. If your friend needed help with their mental health would you recommend TIC+?

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* 4. What three words would you use to describe TIC+?

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* 5. How did you find out about TIC+?

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* 6. Did you get what you were expecting from TIC+?

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* 7. How do you think TIC+ is funded? (tick as many as you want)

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* 8. How would you describe yourself?