Share the Good News

Thank you for coming to our Eucharistic Congress, Jesus is Here! We know that by coming to an event like this you have a deep love for the Eucharistic Lord, and you understand that the Eucharist is the body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ. But that belief is not held by most fellow Catholics. In fact, a recent Pew Study found that nearly 70% of Catholics do not believe in the Real Presence. So, that’s where you come in—one of the principal ways to help others come to believe is to witness to your own experience of God. Would you take a minute to share how you experienced Jesus’ Real Presence at the Eucharistic Congress?

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* 1. What was your overall experience of the Eucharistic Congress?

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* 2. What was your favorite part of the Congress?

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* 3. Which talk did you find most impactful?

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* 4. Did the Eucharistic Congress change your relationship with the Eucharist?

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* 5. Why did you decide to attend the Eucharistic Congress?

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* 6. Are you glad you decided to come?

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* 7. Can you tell us in one or two sentences where Jesus revealed Himself to you at the Eucharistic Congress (at Mass, from inspiring talks, in Adoration, in the Eucharistic procession, in conversation with other Catholics, etc.)?

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* 8. We’d love to share your testimony on our website which will also feature photos and video from the Congress. If you are okay with us sharing your witness, provide your name below.

Thank you!