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Florence County School District Three is seeking input from our parents, staff and other stakeholders to assist  in developing a plan to recover learning for the upcoming school year.  This plan involves two areas:
     Part 1 - Spending of ESSER III funds and 
     Part 2 - A Safe Return to In-Person instruction. 

On March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act was signed into law.  The US Department of Education is providing an additional funds for the Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III Fund).  These funds will be utilized to close the achievement gap and create a safe learning environment for our students.

There are 15 allowable categories under ESSER III:
1- Any activities authorized under ESSA, IDEA, Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, Perkins Act, Subtitle B of McKinney-Vento Homelessness ACT
2- Coordinate Emergency Response
3- Address needs of highly vulnerable populations
4- Support school leaders and school needs
5- Ensure preparedness and coordination (system and procedures)
6-Training related to infectious disease
7- Purchase cleaning supplies to sanitize and clean schools
8- Planning and coordinating for long-term closures for education to continue
9- Purchase educational technology
10 - Mental Health supports
11- Summer Learning
12- Learning Loss
13- Facilities
14- Indoor Air Quality
15 - Other activities to ensure continuity of education and employment

Please complete the survey below to help us develop our spending plan and create a reopening plan that is best for our district.

Question Title

* 1. Your classification

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* 2. Please prioritize the following in regards to what ESSER funds should be spent:

Question Title

* 3. Florence School District Three must reserve 20% of the ESSER III funds to address Learning Loss.  What are the best ways for the district and schools to address the learning loss caused by COVID-19?  You may check more than one box

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* 4. In FSD3, we were excited about having all of our students return to face to face instruction.  What input/comments could you provide to help inform the development of our Plan for Florence School District Three for the 23-24 school year?  How can FSD3 better support faculty and students in ensuring a safe environment for in-person instructional and continuity of services?

Question Title

* 5. How can we support you so that you can help students in FSD3 be successful? 
(example: As a parent, I need assistance with ... or As a teacher/staff member, I would like professional development on ...  )

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