How are students being taught?

Imagine there were only 2 modes of teaching. Yes, we know there are more but just imagine there are only 2.
Teacher Mode A Teacher Mode B
You explain
You model
They practice
You check and give feedback
Test them.
Test them again a bit later.
Explore; Discover
Hands-on experience
Inspire some AWE
Go off piste
Make things; do projects; set open ended tasks; give choices
Modes were developed by

How are students being taught around the world?
Our aim is to survey a hundred thousand or so teachers from around the world and find out what mode of teaching they are predominantly using. 
Thank you in anticipation of your participation.
The survey will take less than 3 mins to complete. 
You can compare your results to others as soon as you complete the survey. 

Question Title

* 2. Are you male or female?

Question Title

* 3. Are you a teacher or someone who is employed in the Education Industry?