God has created you as a unique and loved person with numerous gifts. These gifts play an important role in God's mission to love one another and share the hope of Jesus with others. You are a like a gift package from God, and your combination of gifts is unique - not one person has ever been replicated on this earth!

Your giftedness includes your talents and abilities, styles, interests, experiences, preferences, and passions for serving in the world. Your gifts are part of an abundant web of giftedness in our faith community. These gifts are given so we can minister together as partners in God's work in the world and for our enjoyment. 

We believe that every person in our congregation has the opportunity to serve - age or ability does not stop people from using their gifts and serving others in our church. There will be some areas of ministry that require specific skills, but there are others that are much broader. Whatever your gifts may be, we want to help you find the best fit to serve St Peter's well. 

We encourage you to seek the Lord God in all of this, to ask him where he would like to lead you. Our Lord uses other people to encourage us and help us step outside our comfort zone - is there a ministry area you have been told you would do well in? Maybe it's time to investigate it further! 

As we grow a culture of serving at St Peter's, we want to strive to give God our best, we want to be supportive and encouraging of people discovering and using their gifts for God's glory. As you start in a new role, we will provide you with a time of testing to discover if this is the right fit for you. 

When you tick a box, you aren't signing your life away or committing for a lengthy period, and we won't hound you until you relent. If you identify an area of skill or enjoyment, you will then be asked: if you would like to be contacted by someone to explore how you could serve, including time commitment and expectations. You will have the choice to wait for 12 months, and someone will follow up with you after that period. You can also say no, which tells us you currently don't have the time or margin in your life and would rather leave it for the time being. You will have the opportunity to complete another inventory in the following year. 

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

Serve Teams
Serving is part of the Christian lifestyle, where we follow the example of Jesus, who taught that service is fulfilling the command to love one another. In fact, serving is living out the gospel. We hope that every member of St Peter's will be part of a Serve Team and involved in creating a vibrant serving culture in our church community. Serve Teams will operate in the 10am community and potentially in the 830am community after further consultation.  

On a Serve Team, you will have the opportunity to assist in the following areas (depending on ability, experience and training): welcoming, communion preparation, stewarding, bible reading, assisting with communion, counting the offering, and tea and coffee.

Serving outside of the Serve Team
There are also other opportunities to serve in the worship life of our community outside the Serve Team role. You may need to have specific skills, receive training and be recognised by the church community to serve in a specific role. Ticking a box below is to register your interest and allow ministry leaders to follow up with you.

Question Title

* 2. Serving in Worship

Serving Outside Sunday Worship
There are numerous opportunities to serve the community outside of our worship services. We are also putting out feelers to see if you are interested in exploring potential ministries.

Ticking a box doesn't mean you are locked into a certain role, but it enables our ministry leaders to connect with you and discover how you can serve our community. Like serving in worship, there will be training and orientation and a period of discovering if it is the right fit for you.

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* 3. Serving outside of Sunday worship

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* 4. Would you like to be contacted by ministry staff to gain an understanding of this ministry area, including expectations and training requirements?

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* 5. Recognised Training
Do you have recognised training in any of the following areas?
Please use the other box if your area of training is not listed

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* 6. Would you like to be contacted by ministry staff to discuss possible ways to serve at St Peter's with your training and skills?
We would discuss things like time commitment and expectations of the role or project

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* 7. Ministry areas you would like to investigate
For some ministry areas, training might be all that is needed to serve. There may be some areas that don't align with your gifts or expectations and we will help you to discover where you can serve.  

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* 8. Is there a specific ministry area at St Peter's you would like to serve in? 
Maybe you have been reluctant to ask, or are waiting to be asked, or you would like the assurance that there is adequate training and preparation

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* 9. We can contact you about serving with your gifts and talents!