Information Sheet

This study aims to investigate why people might misrepresent certain aspects of themselves to others while online, within a romantic context (or 'catfishing' as it is commonly known as). To be eligible to take part in the study you need to be over the age of 16 and have misrepresented yourself to someone else in an online romantic context. If you are a University of Wolverhampton student you will be asked to supply your participant pool ID number at the end of the survey and you will only be given credit if you supply this information.

The term ‘catfishing’ is used in modern-day language to describe the actions of a person who engages in self-misrepresentation online in order to lure others into a relationship or for personal gain (for example: uploading older photos of yourself, using photographs of other people instead of yourself, or exaggerating certain aspects of your lifestyle, for example your career, earnings or hobbies and interests etc.).

You will be asked to answer a series of questions. Please do so as honestly and accurately as possible. Any answers you provide will be anonymous and treated with strict confidentiality.

Your taking part in this study is voluntary and you may withdraw from the study at any time during completion of the questionnaire. Unfortunately, as you remain anonymous throughout the study, you will not be able to withdraw once the questionnaire has been completed and submitted.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the lead researcher Dr Chris Fullwood (University of Wolverhampton) at

Although we do not anticipate any serious risk to individuals participating in this project, we will be asking you questions about your previous experiences of catfishing. Therefore there is the potential that participation will bring up unpleasant memories and feelings for some individuals. Because this is an international project, we cannot recommend any specific counselling services in such an event. However, if you are affected adversely through participation you may want to consider seeking professional support through counselling services in your country of residence

By clicking ‘next’, you are confirming that you have read and understood this information and agree to continue. We anticipate that it will take approx. 20-30 minutes to complete the survey in full.

Dr Chris Fullwood
Institute of Psychology
University of Wolverhampton, UK