Mills County Public Health is facilitating the 2021 Community Health Needs Assessment Survey. We would appreciate your help in this important survey.

Every Local Public Health Department in Iowa is to conduct a Community Health Needs Assessment every five years. This is meant to put a plan together to meet the communities’ needs identified by key stakeholders-city/county officials, other non-profits, schools, local businesses, and YOU!

Every community is unique, with its own health care needs, these include:

·         Obesity, Weight Loss & Diabetes Prevention

·         Substance Abuse

·         Chronic Illness

How do we use this information?

Once data is collected, the health needs are prioritized to focus on the communities’ greatest need. Mills County Public Health has staff who work together to support existing community-based health programs and services. New programs are also implemented to help each community in our county meet its specific needs.

As Mills County Public Health moves forward this year, we want to focus on our efforts on issues and initiatives that our communities feel are important. Please help us in this goal.


We want to know how you view our community, so we are inviting you to participate in a research study for community health-needs. Your opinions are important. This questionnaire will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

All of your individual responses are confidential. We will use results of the surveys to improve our understanding of health needs in the community.  Please read each question and mark the response that best represents your views of community needs.