Exit this survey INTERNET SAFETY AND YOUR CHILD 1. Question Title * 1. Are you concerned about your child's safety on the internet? Yes No Question Title * 2. Is your child 8 or over? Yes No Question Title * 3. Would you like the staff of the service to speak to your child reguarding internet safety? Yes No Question Title * 4. What Service does your child use? Antonine Knightswood St clare's St Ninians Question Title * 5. Please watch the following clip without your child being present. To do so copy and paste the following URL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_o8auwnJtqEDid you find the clip - Alarming Concerning No thoughts Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. After viewing the clip, would you be interested in your child viewing and discussing it with their friends and have the opportunity to ask questions to a staff member? Yes No Question Title * 7. To ensure that your child has the opportunity to view the clip could you please enter your child's name below. If you don"t want them to view it put N/A. Question Title * 8. If you do not want your child to view the clip, please enter the child's name below. If you have already agreed to them viewing the clip, please put N/A. Question Title * 9. Please feel free to make any comments, they are appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Done