1. Avaaz Subscriber Survey, March-April 2010

Thanks for taking a minute to help set the course for Avaaz's future. As a people-powered movement, it's up to all of us to set our priorities. This poll goes into some depth -- feel free to skip questions if you don't have enough time. After the topical questions, you will find some optional questions about yourself. Thanks again for answering--every response makes a difference!

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* 1. Avaaz's mission calls us to close the gap between the world we have and the world most people everywhere want. There are many such gaps, and we can only work on one or two of them each week -- so a shared sense of priorities is vital in choosing where to channel our energy.

Please rank the general issue areas below in order of priority from 1-6, with 1 being the top priority for us to campaign on:

  1 (top priority) 2 3 4 5 6 (lowest priority)
Corruption and abuse of power
Democracy movements and tyrannical regimes
Human rights, torture, genocide, human trafficking
Climate change and the environment
Poverty, disease and development
War, peace and security

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* 2. Avaaz members have suggested a wide range of specific campaigns for this year. Check the box only if you feel *very strongly* that we should run this campaign:

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* 3. Do you have any questions about Avaaz?

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* 4. Here are some possible "big ideas" for 2010. What do you think of each of these? Please rate on a scale of 1-5, with 1 for ideas you strongly endorse and 5 for ideas you dislike. (If you're pressed for time please feel free to skip this question!)

  1 (great) 2 3 4 5 (dislike) Not sure
a) Innovation: New Tactics & Strategies
Traditional advocacy uses a specific set of techniques - like protests, sending messages, ad campaigns, and petitions. In 2010, Avaaz should invest and innovate a whole new set of techniques that can impact the issues we care about -- sting operations to expose crime and political or corporate corruption, citizen-funded investigative journalism to shed light on crucial issues the media ignores, and direct actions like running humanitarian aid into Burma or Gaza. This will require funds and a larger team, but it will increase our impact and strengthen our movement while capturing public imagination.
b) Tackle the World's Silent Crises
Avaaz traditionally campaigns on issues that are at the top of the news and people's minds. But some of the world's worst issues don't grab headlines. In 2010, Avaaz should have some focus on issues far from the headlines. One of the biggest: human trafficking, or the 'rape trade', in which 15 million women are currently kidnapped in poorer countries and sent to rich countries to be forced to be raped many times a day to earn money for their kidnappers. Avaaz could invest significantly in a global campaign on this issue, supporting legal reform, exposing complicit governments, and running sting operations on the rape houses.
c) Radically Increase Our Size
Much of the strength of Avaaz comes from our numbers. We're at 4.2 million now, the largest global group of our kind in history. But what if we could reach a much, much larger scale? Through efforts by members to tell friends, new technologies like Facebook and Twitter, partnerships with key media outlets, and expansion of our campaigning into new languages and areas, we might dramatically increase our size, multiplying our impact in other areas.
d) Build a Powerful Base of Sustainers
Every big idea here will cost money, as does all Avaaz campaigning, but to stay true to our mission we won't accept money from governments, corporations, or corporate-linked foundations. Currently Avaaz members donate to specific campaign objectives and we have a tiny global team of just 24 people. But Avaaz has millions of active members -- if just 200,000 (5%) of us donated $2 (the price of a cup of coffee) per month, we'd raise $5 million a year to empower everything we do. To achieve this, we could launch an effort in 2010 to ask 200,000 of us to become 'sustainers'.
e) Avaaz Global News
With almost 4 million subscribers, the readership of Avaaz is as big as many of the world's biggest news publications. Given this, we might try operating more like a media organization, and serving members not just with action-oriented emails, but also emails with important news, insightful analyses and other essential information for global citizens.
Please tell us a bit about yourself -- your answers will be used for statistical purposes only.

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* 5. How old are you?

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* 6. Are you male or female?

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* 7. What country or region are you from?

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* 8. How would you describe your political beliefs?

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* 9. Are you a member of another global civil society organisation?

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* 10. What would you consider your native language?

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* 11. Did you know that Avaaz.org is available in all of the languages listed above?

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* 12. Do you have any last comments, thoughts or ideas you would like to share with us (optional)?