Register for Virtual Yoga! Fridays, November 4 - December 16, 8:45-9:30 AM, via Zoom To register for the Virtual Yoga program and to learn more about your interest in yoga, please take a few minutes to complete the following: OK Question Title * 1. Please provide the following information: First Name: Last Name: Columbia University Email Address: OK Question Title * 2. School/Division Arts and Sciences Barnard College College of Dental Medicine College of Physicians and Surgeons Columbia Business School Columbia College Columbia Journalism School Columbia Law School Columbia School of Social Work Columbia University Libraries Executive Vice President for Research Facilities and Operations Finance General Studies Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation Human Resources Jewish Theological Seminary Lamont-Doherty Earth Institute Mailman School of Public Health Office of the President Office of the Provost School of Engineering and Applied Sciences School of International and Public Affairs School of Nursing School of Professional Studies School of the Arts Teachers College Union Theological Seminary Zuckerman Institute OK Question Title * 3. Role: Coach Dean/Chair/Academic Administrator Doctoral Student Masters/Professional Students Non-Union Support Staff Officer of Administration Officer of Instruction Adjunct Professor Officer of Instruction Assistant Professor Officer of Instruction Assistant Professor at CUIMC Officer of Instruction Associate Professor Officer of Instruction Associate Professor at CUIMC Officer of Instruction Lecturer/Instructor Officer of Instruction Professor Officer of Instruction Professor at CUIMC Officer of Research Officer of the Library Postdoc: Research Scientist, Research Fellow, Clinical Fellow Undergrad Union Staff Visiting Scholar/Visiting Professor OK Question Title * 4. How would you describe the current level of your yoga practice? (please note all levels are welcome to participate) Beginner Advanced beginner Intermediate Advanced OK Question Title * 5. On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 means you have "little or no stress" and 10 means you have a "great deal of stress," how would you rate your average level of stress during the past month? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 OK Question Title * 6. On average over the last month, how many days per week did you do physical activity designed to strengthen your muscles (e.g. resistance bands, yoga, lifting weights)? Never/NA Less than once a week One day a week Two days a week Three days a week Four days a week Five days a week Six days a week Daily OK Question Title * 7. On average over the last month, how many days per week did you use a relaxation technique? Examples include meditation, deep breathing, mindfulness techniques, etc. Never/NA Less than once a week One day a week Two days a week Three days a week Four days a week Five days a week Six days a week Daily OK Question Title * 8. Please share any comments below: OK NEXT