1. Interior Design Survey

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* 1. Please tell us your name so I can see who's replied (leave blank if you don't want to!)

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* 2. Have you ever used an interior designer?

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* 3. If you HAVE used an interior designer, what did you use them for? Tick as many as you many as you want

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* 4. If you HAVE used an interior designer, how satisfied were you with the following. (After answering, please skip to question 6)

  Not at all satisfied Not satisfied Satisfied Extremely satisfied
Overall result
Speed of the process
Working relationship with the designer
The price

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* 5. If you've NOT used an interior designer, which of the following factors stopped you - tick as many as you want (if you HAVE used an interior designer, please skip to question 6)

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* 6. Thinking about a typical home improvement project (e.g. new kitchen, updating a room, de-cluttering, building an extension), which of the following would apply to you? Tick as many as you want

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* 7. Imagine a new, more affordable and flexible interior design service using coaching sessions of 1 to 3 hours, to work with you on a specific project or question. How interested would you be in such a service?

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* 8. Any other comments, ideas or thoughts about what you would like from an interior design service