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* 1. Pick the answer that best describes your opinion about each of the below statements

  Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neutral Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree
Fantasy points scored by players reflect their actual performance on the field
The Bonus Points System is a good tool to add needed complexity to the fantasy points calculation
The Bonus Points system is fair in distributing points to players on the field and covers actions taken by players which are not reflected in the normal scoring system
A more dynamic player position categories will significantly improve the FPL game
Fantasy Premier League is sophisticated enough to favour Fantasy managers who are better at managing their teams
a 15-player squad is the right size of a fantasy football team
Defensive Midfielders and Central Defenders get the attention they deserve in Fantasy Premier Football
Clean Sheet is the best metric to use to score defensive players' points
The way player prices in Fantasy Premier League change is ideal
Points should be scored in two categories; Points for key events like goal, assists, etc, and points for overall performance like passing, blocks, interceptions, tackling, etc.

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* 2. If you could buy a wild card, how much would you pay for it? (use only numbers with no decimal points. Currency is British Pounds

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* 3. What other Football Leagues would you like to play Fantasy Football for? (Check all applicable answers)

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* 4. Please add any other comments you have regarding Fantasy Premier League