Yogi Me Survey

I will be designing retreats and practices to fit what individuals wants and needs.  In an effort to design the very best, please take a few minutes to answer some questions.
1.How often do you practice yoga? select one
2.What time of day are you most interested in classes?(Required.)
3.What days of the week do you prefer to practice?(Required.)
4.What interests you most about the practice? Choose all that apply.(Required.)
5.What is the ideal location for your yoga practice? select all that apply(Required.)
6.Do you enjoy/appreciate breathwork as part of your practice?(Required.)
7.Do you enjoy meditation in your practice? If so, how long is long enough?
8.Which style of yoga, do you prefer?(Required.)
9.Select all that you have interest in(Required.)
10.If you are interested in retreats, what influences your decision to enroll(Required.)
Slightly Interests me
Don't Care
Doesn't interest me
Not Interested
Inclusive meals
Accomodations included
Proximity to desirable events, venues, beaches
Availability of other services: massage, accupuncture
Inclusion of healing ceremonies, spiritual rituals and outlines events/activities.
11.Which items interest you? Select all that interest you(Required.)
12.Your gender?(Required.)
13.Your age(Required.)
14.What is your average income?(Required.)
15.Where do you live?(Required.)