EVENT TITLE: Field of Hope Survivor Speak Out
DATE: April 2, 2019
TIME: 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
LOCATION: SART - PBC Victim Services Sexual Assault Response Team Center
4210 N. Australian Ave., West Palm Beach FL 33407
CONTACT: Sharon Daugherty, PBC Victim Services 561.625.2568 sdaugher@pbcgov.org
I Ask! Putting consent into practice. Join us for an empowering & moving event to honor the strength of survivors of sexual assault & their allies. We will have vendors, music, free food & most importantly, a showing of community support for the #Metoo movement. Attendees are invited to read then place flags with the writing of their statements to express their journey towards healing. All family, friends & other supportive community agencies are invited! #Metoo #IAsk @pbcdvs #palmbeachcountyvictimservices