It’s been a crazy year and lots has changed but there are some great NEW opportunities for you in Worship Arts this fall at Creekside! By participating, you will help many people worship and connect with God during this difficult season (and it will be super rewarding and fun for you too!).

Please briefly let us know below where you might be interested in serving.

Remember - No experience? No problem! We’ll train you. And you can try it out, you are not locked in forever. :) This is a great opportunity to try something new!

Question Title

* 1. My name is (first and last, please):

Question Title

* 2. My best email address is:

Question Title

* 3. Best phone number for me:

Media Production for Weekly Outdoor and Online Services
I'm interested in the following roles (check all that apply):

Question Title

* 4. Audio Production

Question Title

* 5. Video

Question Title

* 6. Musicians

Question Title

* 7. Lighting

Outdoor Services Support
I'd like to help people experience outdoor worship services:

Question Title

* 8. Outdoor Service Roles

Christmas Drive Thru Event Support
I'd like to help people from our whole community enjoy a unique Christmas experience:

Question Title

* 9. Christmas Drive-Thru Event Roles

Question Title

* 10. I'm looking to serve:

Thanks so much for filling this out!  We'll reach out soon.  Just click 'Done' to finish!