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Thanks for teaching Don't Let it Loose in your classroom!

Your feedback will help us create higher quality educational tools for teachers and generate content that is easy to use and beneficial in meeting educational standards. 

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* 1. What grade do you teach?

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* 2. What kind of pet does your classroom have?

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* 3. Please rate how well the Don't Let it Loose materials aligned with your instructional standards.

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* 4. In what subject areas and key topics did you incorporate Don't Let it Loose?

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* 5. Rate your experience with incorporating Don't Let it Loose into your classroom flow and teaching pace.

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* 6. Rank the materials you were provided from most (1) to least (6) useful in teaching this topic.

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* 7. Please rate the quality of the information in the materials you were provided 

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* 8. Would you like to receive digital copies of the classroom pledge and poster for future use? 

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* 9. Do you have suggestions on how we can improve this information for teachers and classrooms?

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* 10. Please provide additional feedback or comments.

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