2017 - Spring Super Testing Student Survey

Greetings, Students!
Thank you for participating in the Testing Satisfaction Survey. This tool will help Ms. Duperval determine better ways to serve you, the student. 
Please take your time to answer the questions honestly.   

Thank you and I hope you enjoyed your Super Testing experience with us, this year.  :)

Question Title

* 1. What test did you complete today?

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* 2. What was your testing room number?

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* 3. What was your proctor's name?

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* 4. How would you evaluate the following criteria?

  I agree I don't agree I don't know Not applicable (n/a)
I prefer testing on Super Testing days instead of regular school days 
I like Super Testing days because of the early dismissal schedule (11:30 a.m.)
My testing letter was helpful in giving me all my testing information (ex: room, proctor, test)
My testing room was clean and ready for testing today
My test administrator was informed and courteous
My test administrator provided me with my Session ID 
My test administrator read the testing script and it was easy to understand
My testing room was free of distractions and not noisy
My computer did not give me any technical difficulties during the test
My testing room was adequately prepared and ready when I arrived for testing
My test administrator communicated the testing rules and procedures before testing
My testing room was comfortable (temperature, ventilation, etc.) and had adequate lighting
My test administrator paid attention, monitored and supervised us during testing
The testing environment was fair and professional during testing
My test administrator informed me about the cell phone policy during testing
My test administrator informed me not to talk or look at anyone's screen during testing
Ms. Duperval informed me of my testing schedule: test name, date, time, and room
I felt ready and prepared to take my test because I learned the information in class

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* 5. When I get my results in the Fall, I believe that I will achieve:

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* 6. How would you rate your overall testing experience today?

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* 7. Please add any comments or suggestions you would like to make about our testing services, staff, facilities: