Teacher - Self-Care Offering Survey

1.How would you rate your current dedication to self-care?
2.What is your main challenge or concern regarding self-care as a teacher?
3.How likely are you to participate in an online self-care workshop, course or seminar during the upcoming summer break or the next school year?
4.Which format would you prefer for the online self-care workshop, course or seminar?
5.For live sessions, which time of year would be most suitable for you?
6.What is your preferred overall length for the workshop, course or seminar? (Note: Longer durations may be divided into different modules or sessions)
7.How valuable would it be that the teacher self-care workshop be Montessori inspired or aligned?
8.What outcome would you most desire from an online teacher self-care workshop, course or seminar?
9.What specific topics would you like to see covered in a teacher self-care workshop, course or seminar?
10.Any other comments or suggestions? How else can we support you in your self-care and wellness journey as an educator and Montessorian?
Note: If you would like to be notified about this and other future offerings on Montessori and wellness, please feel free to leave us your email in the space provided below!