
50% of survey complete.

Question Title

* 1. Please rate your experience as a clinical/counseling psychology practicum student on the basis of your actual experiences and interactions with your site supervisor and with your university supervisor. Please circle the number on the scale that best describes your evaluation of these experiences. Rate each category independently.

ND - No data, nor opportunity to evaluate

1 - unhelpful or inadequate

2 - marginally helpful or minimally adequate

3 - helpful or adequate

4 - very helpful or very adequate

5 - extremely helpful or more than adequate

  1 2 3 4 5 ND
I found the course requirements of the program to be:
I found the program's ability to help me develop a knowledge base and an understanding of the major domains of practice for the discipline to be:
I found the program to aid in developing my critical thinking skills to be:
I found the program's ability to help me learn to communicate psychological concepts effectively using the professional standards of the discipline to be:
I found the program's ability to hep me learn to apply ethical standards to evaluate psychological science and practice to be:
I found the prerequisite requirements and course sequencing to be:
I fund the quality of teaching in my courses to be:
I found the quality of texts and readings in my courses to be:
I found the audiovisual material and technology resources available for each course to be:
I found the practicum experiences required by the program to be:
I found the number of practicum hours required by the program to be:
I found the sties selected for practicum experiences to be:
I found practicum site supervisors to be:
My preparation for internship resulting from my course work was:
My preparation for internship resulting from my practicum work was:
I found the advice and guidance of my faculty adviser to be:
I found the advice and guidance provided in general by the faculty to be:
I found the availability/responsiveness of the faculty to be:

Question Title

* 2. Please provide recommendations for improvement for any areas that you rated below a 4 on the question above.