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* 1. We will send you the result of the maturity test by email. Please fill in your email address to receive your score and to find out how to outperform peers

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* 2. Do you agree: “Data drives almost every marketing decision I take”

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* 3. For which purpose do you use your available data?

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* 4. Which data are available in your organization for your marketing purposes

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* 5. Do you agree: “I trust the data we have at our company”

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* 6. Can you easily access the necessary data to perform your day to day work?

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* 7. Are there procedures or processes in place to enter or change data ?

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* 8. Do you keep track of your marketing KPI’s? (e.g. sales revenue, cost per lead, customer value, conversion rates)

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* 9. Do you have a clear view on ROI of your marketing activities?

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* 10. How do you follow up on your marketing metrics?

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* 11. Is your overview updated automatically?

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* 12. Do you have the people and competencies in-house to crystallize the value of data?

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* 13. Does your C-suite and the board support a data driven culture?