Question Title

* 3. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Please select a rating from 1 to 5 with 5 meaning strongly agree and 1 meaning strongly disagree.

  5-Strongly Agree 4-Agree 3-Neutral 2-Disagree 1-Strongly Disagree
I know the mission and values of my school.
My school is a safe place (I don’t get teased, bullied or mistreated).
Rules at my school are enforced consistently and fairly.
I understand the reason for the school rules.
The students in my school treat each other with respect.
Adults at my school are good role models for students.
I have close friends at school.
I have at least one adult at school that I trust to discuss any problems I may have.
Adults at my school consistently model or live the values of my school.
I am proud to be a student at my school.
I generally like the cafeteria meals (breakfast & lunch) served at my school.
I believe that I will be going to college.

Question Title

* 4. What is your homeroom teacher's name? 

Question Title

* 5. For the following questions, please think of your homeroom teacher when answering. 

How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Please select a rating from 1 to 5 with 5 meaning strongly agree and 1 meaning strongly disagree.

  5-Strongly Agree 4-Agree 3-Neutral 2-Disagree 1-Strongly Disagree
My teacher cares about me and wants me to succeed.
I have my teacher’s phone number and can reach them if I need help.
Our class stays busy and does not waste time.
My teacher explains difficult things clearly.
My teacher wants me to explain my answers—why I think what I think.
My classes are interesting and engaging.
Classwork is challenging in my classes. 
I can think of many ways to get good grades in my classes.