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Dear whānau
Our school is currently working on our next strategic plan and the Board would value your feedback.  We are keen to hear from students/ākonga, whānau and our wider community.

We look forward to hearing your views which will be treated with respect and will remain anonymous.  

Our plan is built around two concepts:
Mana Tangata: which is about developing self-esteem.  We aim to help our students / ākonga to do this by making progress and contributing to their community, the school and their peers.  This is the horizon, the place we are aiming for. 

Our goals in this area are:

  1. NHS gives effect to Te Tiriti, leading to equitable access and outcomes for ākonga.
  2. Goals and aspirations of ākonga and whānau inform the learning.
  3. Ākonga experience and celebrate success in learning and enhanced wellbeing.
  4. Ākonga transition is supported and enabled.

Ako Whakatere: is about accelerated learning, or increasing how much progress our students/ākonga are able to make.  This is our way forward, how we get to the horizon and is the ground on which we stand.  

We plan to meet our goals through:

  1. Community and NHS whānau engagement and consultation (local curriculum, Individual Learning Plans, Iwi relationships).
  2. Leaders, teachers and students/ākonga explore initiatives and seize opportunities that add value and support to our ākonga and staff.

The results of this survey will help us to improve our school and to lead to better outcomes for students/ākonga.  Please complete the survey below by 13th November

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* 1. Which of the following best describes your relationship to the school?

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* 2. Which of the following groups do you identify with?

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* 3. Which of these NHS team do you have contact with

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* 4. Our plan has 4 key goals for improvement.  Please choose how much you agree, or disagree that this should be a goal for the school.

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree N/A
NHS gives effect to te Tiriti, leading to equitable access and outcomes for ākonga. – all students succeed
Goals and aspirations of ākonga and whānau inform the learning – students and families have a say in their learning
Ākonga experience and celebrate success in learning and enhanced wellbeing. – students learn, celebrate and feel positive
Ākonga transition is supported and enabled – we help students move on when they are ready

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* 5. Please add any other goals, or areas that you would like to see added to the plan.

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* 6. We welcome any other comments that might help with our strategic planning.

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* 7. What are the best ways to communicate with you in the future?

Many thanks for taking part and for sharing your views.  We do appreciate it and the results will be used to improve our school and outcomes for ākonga / students.  If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to call the school on 0800153002.

Joanne Walker Presiding Board member
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