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Flint Township is working on an economic development marketing plan to retain and attract businesses, visitors and residents to the region. We are seeking feedback from business owners in and around the area. We would love to hear from you. This survey should take 10 minutes or less. Thank you for your input!

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* 1. Are you a business owner or employee at an organization located in Flint Township?

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* 2. How long have you worked in Flint Township?

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* 4. In the last 6 months, my business has seen:

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* 5. Please rate the following local business conditions in your region since January 2019 based on your experience.

  Not an issue Sometimes is an issue Definitely is an issue NA
No increase in new clients or market
Decrease in orders from clients
Major clients or customers requesting lower prices
Competitors’ growing market shares 
Sluggishness in major sales markets

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* 6. During the first calendar quarter (Jan-March 2019), was your dollar sales volume higher, lower, or about the same as it was for the same quarter in 2018?

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* 7. About the economy in your region, do you think that six months from now general business conditions will be better than they are now, about the same, or worse?

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* 8. Were your net earnings or “income” (after taxes) from your business during the last calendar quarter higher, lower, or about the same as they were for the quarter before?

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* 9. If higher or lower, what is the most important reason?

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* 10. Do you have any job openings that you are not able to fill right now?

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* 11. Are you planning on expanding your organization either with additional employees or a physical expansion?

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* 12. If yes, would you consider expanding in Flint Township?

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* 13. What is the single most important problem facing your business today?

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* 14. How many employees do you have full and part-time, including yourself?

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* 15. Of the phrases below, please choose 5 or less that you think best describes your favorite positive aspects about Flint Township.

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* 16. If you were given $50,000 to use on a project just for Flint Township without any special conditions, restrictions or obligations, what would you spend the money on?

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* 17. Please indicate if you agree, feel neutral or disagree with the following statements:

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
Flint Township is a great place to shop
Flint Township is a great place for dining out
Flint Township is a good location for doing business
Flint Township has a good image and reputation beyond the municipal borders
Flint Township has a good park system
Flint Township needs a community center or park area for community gathering & events  
Flint Township should change its name

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* 18. Optional: Please provide your name, business name and email address.

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* 19. Optional: Would you like to be contacted by a representative of Flint Township?

0 of 19 answered