Florida Historic Preservation Comprehensive Plan Survey, 2017-2021

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17% of survey complete.

Every five years the Division of Historical Resources revises the Florida Statewide Comprehensive Historic Preservation Plan, as required for Florida to remain a participant in the federal historic preservation program and to receive federal historic preservation funds. To be effective, the new plan must represent a broad base of public and professional input. Survey results will provide guidance and serve as the foundation for revising the plan.

To view the previous Comprehensive Plan, Preserving Florida's Heritage: More Than Orange Marmalade, please visit dos.myflorida.com/historical/comp-plan/

our participation is crucial, and your time and thoughts are appreciated.
This survey will take 10 or less minutes of your time.

If you have any questions, please contact Desiree Estabrook, Supervisor for Survey & Registration, at the Bureau of Historic Preservation, R.A. Gray Building, 500 S. Bronough Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250, Telephone: 1.800.847.7278 or 850.245.6333, email: desiree.estabrook@dos.state.fl.us.