This award recognises a group of growers (formal or informal) who have collaborated to gather, document and share information aimed at improving the long-term viability of their arable businesses.
NB This award recognises catchment groups, discussion groups or similar where growers are sharing knowledge within and beyond their group to benefit the arable industry.
You can enter yourself or your company, or you can put in a nomination for a company or someone you know is deserving of this award. All nominations will be judged by a panel of judges, who will review and consider all entries, with finalists announced in June and final judging will take place in July. Please note the judge's decision is final but we welcome all feedback on how we can continue to grow and develop this Awards program.
Entry tip: Supporting evidence is crucial when listing why a nominee is worthy of this award.

Question Title

* 1. Who are you nominating for this award?

Question Title

* 2. Please enter your contact details 

Question Title

* 3. Please enter the contact details of the person or company you are
nominating (if not you).

Question Title

* 4. Is the group aware you are nominating them for this award?
Nominations cannot be accepted without nominee's agreement, you may nominate yourself or business.

Question Title

* 5. Please provide a brief description of the group you are nominating.
Include the group’s goal, where it is based, when is was formed, number of members etc.
100 words minimum, 250 words max.

Question Title

* 6. Outline how the group works with a focus on how information is gathered and shared with members.
100 words minimum, 250 words max.

Question Title

* 7. Is the information gathered by this group shared with the wider arable community?
If yes please give example.
50 words minimum, 250 words max.