Fair Reward Framework: pilot survey
What has prompted your visit to the Fair Reward Framework website?
a. Email
b. Media report
c. Social media channels
d. Word of mouth
e. Other (please specify)
Other (please specify)
How do you intend to use the information available here? (select all that are applicable)
a. To better understand pay policies and practices at listed companies
b. To see how the company I work for compares to others
c. To use the FRF data to inform engagement conversations with companies
d. To use the FRF data to inform voting decisions as a shareholder
e. Other (please specify)
Other (please specify)
To what extent has the Fair Reward Framework satisfied your reason for visiting this website?
Wholly met my expectations
Mostly met my expecations
Partially met my expectations
Not met my expectations
Please provide additional information about your response to this question
How easy have you found it to navigate around the website and locate what you were looking for?
Very easy
Quite easy
Neither easy nor difficult
Quite difficult
Very difficult
Please provide additional information about your response to this question
Are there any additional features that would be useful to you?
E.g. search functions or comparisons, or assessment of additional companies/markets
Your email
In what region are you based?
Organisation name (where applicable)
Organisation type: select the closest match (where applicable)
a. Investor: asset owner
b. Investor: asset manager
c. Investor: advisory
d. Academic
e. Civil society organisation
f. Government
g. Media
Sector / industry