1. ZoomText 9.1 Beta Information

The ZoomText 9.1 Beta runs on Windows Vista, Windows XP and Windows 2000 Operating Systems only. Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT and any 64 bit operating system are not supported at this time.

Thank you for your interest in the ZoomText 9.1 Beta Program. ZoomText 9.1 continues to build on our reputation as the worlds leading Screen Magnification / Reading product by incorporating numerous user requests, fixes and product enhancements. Most significantly we will be supporting the new Microsoft Operating System "Windows Vista" and adding industry leading support for Dual Monitors.

Please follow the links below to complete our enrollment questionnaire and join the program as a beta tester. We’ll send you information on how to download the beta release of ZoomText 9.1 and put you on our list to receive information about updates to the beta software and notification when ZoomText 9.1 is ready for purchase.

Once again, thanks for your interest.

The Ai Squared Team