FY19 Q2 Family Services Survey

Thank you for using thread's early care and education resource and referral services. Please complete the following survey to help us enhance our services. At the end of the survey you can enter a drawing for a $75 Visa Gift Card. We value your comments. Thank you!
Privacy Disclaimer: In keeping with thread’s privacy policy, the information gathered from this survey is for research and grant reporting purposes only. Your responses are completely anonymous and will only be reported in an aggregate with responses from other participants. No personally identifiable information is captured unless you voluntarily offer personal or contact information in any of the comment fields.

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* 1. What region of Alaska were you searching for care?

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* 2. How did you receive referrals through thread?

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* 3. If you did speak with a thread staff member, how would you rate the customer service you received?

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* 4. Please check the top three factors that you considered when choosing care for your child:

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* 5. Which three resources/tools did you find the most valuable in your search for quality child care?

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* 6. Did the child care referral materials you received: (Please select one answer)

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* 7. What else did you use in your search for child care (i.e. services, websites, etc.)?

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* 8. If you did not find child care that meets your family's needs, please tell us why.

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* 9. Are you currently receiving State of Alaska Child Care Assistance?

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* 10. How did you hear about thread?

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* 11. How helpful were thread services in your search for Child Care?

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* 12. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

Please fill in your name along with an email address and/or telephone number in the box to be entered into a drawing for a $75 Visa Gift Card, and/or to receive additional information from thread by selecting from the choices below:

Thank you for providing your feedback to thread. Our efforts to promote quality and affordable child care are only successful because of people like you.

With your help, we can achieve our vision: Alaska's children have access to quality early learning opportunities. If you would like to make a tax deductible contribution, please visit www.threadalaska.org and click on "donate." We appreciate your investment in our community and Alaska's children.